photoLA 2014

photoLA 2014 Postcard


Ending a mostly self imposed hiatus of public showings since the 2008 Wall Street financial debacle, I showed three times in 2014, photoLa being the most prominent venue*. Fully mounted and framed prints from 11"x14" to 30"x40" were on display. The response was at once, both overwhelming and gratifying. Most vistors had, I regret to say, never seen gelatain silver prints (GSP), and knew nothing about the process, or the result!** Everything else at photoLA being entirely digital, other than vintage prints, the Range of Light Photography booth was the only one of the 200 or so that showed GSP. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to see the work.


photoLa 2014 Booth 1 photoLa 2014 Booth 2

photoLA 2014 Booth 4 photoLA 2014 Booth 3




* As a reminder, my home and studio, with daylight balanced spot lighting and non-institutional atmosphere, remain the absolute best place to view Range of Light Photography prints.

** The ever increasing distance between classical GSP and digital processes, from many aspects, is my main consideration in writing techniques articles for this site.

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